Here’s my 2011 workout schedule

January 19, 2011

I’m still in the process of honing my list of 2011 goals, dreams, and resolutions, but I have come up with a workout schedule that I believe I can stick with. Last year didn’t really go so well in the weight loss department, and I came to a conclusion. I was acting like a rabbit when really I’m a turtle. I would go fast and furious in great spurts, then I would look at how much I had accomplished and take a nice loooonnnng nap under a tree. After all, I DESERVED it, after all my hard work. The problem was that my naps and the snacks under the tree outweighed the spurts of activity, as evidenced by my weight loss goals not being met for 2010.

So, now that I’ve figured this out, and I am fully ready to embrace my turtle power, I came up with a plan. I know that consistent action is the key and that phrase is part of my mantra for this year. My word for the year is BRAVE, but that’s another post on another blog. So I have come up with the 30/30 workout schedule. I’m going to lose 30 pounds and I’m going to do it in 30-minute increments, consistently.

I recently had a massive schedule change for work, where I no longer go in at 5:00 a.m. Now I go to work at 9:30 a.m. With careful planning this allows me to go to the gym in the morning after I drop my girl off at school and before I start work. One of the biggest obstactles to my goal has always been lack of time. I always felt that if I couldn’t put in an hour, then what’s the point?  Well, the point is consistent action. So now I shoot for shorter increments….at least 30 minutes. My new schedule is as follows.

Mon:  8:30-9:30 elliptical + nautilus

Tues:  8:45-9:15 -dog jog. I have 2 dogs and take them separately.

Weds:  8:45-9:15 elliptical

Thurs:  6:15 a.m. Pilates or 7:00-8:00 elliptical + nautilus

Fri:  8:45-9:15- dog jog.

Sat:   11:00 a.m. Yoga class or a home activity…biking, walking, etc.

Sun:  Off

Also included in here is daily ab work in front of the TV at night and also evening dog walks with the family. Something almost every day for at least 30 minutes. So far, I lost 2 pounds last week, and that was a week that included 2 drinking nights (not heavy, just wine at art events but that adds up), 1 dinner at Olive Garden (bread-friggin-sticks!) and being led astray down the chocolate chip slice-and-bake path by the husband. Not every week will be like that, but some will and I am not very good at deprivation. It feels good and balanced and like something I can stick with…My goal is 30 pounds and I’d like to feel good in a bathing suit this summer! I’ll keep you posted.

Happy New Year everyone!

January 4, 2011

I got this forwarded to me today. It looks pretty interesting. I just got Marianne Williamson’s book, A Course in Weight Loss, and she is one of the speakers. Thought I’d pass it on, if you’d like to check it out. I’ve been feeling under the weather with a cold and cough. I am so over it. It is hard to get motivated to start the year right when you don’t feel good. Maybe listening to this will help. Hope everyone is doing well!

Merry, Merry

December 23, 2010

Before I fully succumb to a maple nut fudge coma, I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I’ll see you back here bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (translate sluggish and hungover) ready to start the New Year and the new ME!

Okay, I guess I did lose a LOT of weight…

December 12, 2010

Last night was our annual holiday block party. They kinda go to the extreme with the festivities with horses and a petting zoo and a fire truck and Santa zooming around on a Harley. I do have to admit it is fun and the kids have a blast. We always have something quick to eat and then we decorate cookies before heading out into the chilly night. I’ve learned that I can’t resist a fresh frosted sugar cookie, but I can resist cotton candy. And I’ve also learned that some of my neighbors are CRAZY!! This is the conversation that I had while waiting in the pony line.

Her: Oh, Hey! I didn’t recognize you! You have really lost a lot of weight!
Me: Hey! No, not really.
Her: Yes, you have.
Me: No, not really. I haven’t.
Her: Oh, yes, you have!
Me: I was running quite a bit for a while, but…No, not lately…
Her: Oh, you have!! I noticed the other day. I saw you guys out walking, and I said to Eddie, “Man, she’s lost a lot of weight.”
Me: Oh. I really haven’t.
Her: Yes. You have.
In my head: God, you friggin’ ponies, hurry up already!!!

So, I guess I have lost a lot of weight. No. I really haven’t.


December 8, 2010

It has been so long since I’ve posted anything that I’m sure many of you are probably going to be saying….”who the hell is that?” But I take comfort in Kim’s friendship, as I have many times in the past, so I figure that I’m still in. Also, I was kind of expecting to see my name erased from the author list, but it was still there, so here I am!

I’m kind of in the same space I was when this started. I need to lose about the same amount of weight and I have slipped into a state of semi-activity. During the year, I was running and I joined a great gym. I was walking and doing Jillian. I was weight-lifting and doing the elliptical bike and steps at home. And I still do. Just not with any sort of consistency or real committment.

to add to my non-commitment, I also had a skateboarding accident that put me on the bench for a while. My knee and shoulder still hurt a little. And let me tell you, when you have a knee injury, it’s very easy to not do anything…because it hurts.

I KNOW committment is the “secret” ingredient that is missing. I also KNOW that I am a pushover to giving in to the excuses of a little bite won’t hurt, I’ll work out tomorrow, and the most evil of all, “It’s the holidays! It’s only once a year!” Except the holidays actually last about 3 months. 3 months is a long time to be off the wagon surrounded by goodies. Anyway, I’m ready to re-commit now and for the new year. I want to transform myself. I don’t want to be meek and say, I’ll be happy if….No, I want to friggin’ transform myself into BAM!! One hot mama! I want people to freak when they find out how old I am because I look that good. I want to wear cute clothes and not be layed up for month because I fall off the board. Frig. So in the next week or so I’m going to revise my plan and commit and make a vision board and pray and whatever else it takes to get it done. Thanks for having me back!

I Ain’t ‘fraid of no Roast

June 18, 2010

I’ve been working for a little over two weeks now and I’m really happy with what’s happening. My “plan,” if you can call it that, is to count calories and do straight cardio for another twenty pounds or so and then I’ll start adding different things in – weights and all that, to start the toning process. So far I’ve seen about six pounds slide off and have tentatively been trying on some one-size-down pants and been excitedly zipping them up – one of my favorite feelings in the world.

My first test arrives tomorrow. (Note: all dramatics from here on out are for comedic effect; I realize my actions are not going to impact the rotation of Earth and the sun will still rise the next day) We’re headed to a family reunion at my MIL’s cousin’s house. We went last Summer too, and he lives in a beautiful spot right on a river, surrounded by tall bamboo trees and it looks like something out of a magazine. So that’s nice. And even though I don’t know exactly what’s on tap for food choices, based on my extensive research in the field, here’s what the tables will look like:

Salads – not the kind I’ve been eating; more like potato, pasta, jello, anything with a mayo-based dressing

Casseroles – I’ve always said leave it to the South to make a fruit or vegetable fattening; squash, pineapple, broccoli, green bean – anything including cream-of-something soup and a buttery top crust

The usual meats – slabs of beef, ribs, fried chicken (True story: Brian told me early on in the dating he needed me to learn how to fry chicken before we got married. Obviously he was high – I still don’t know how)

Mac & Cheese – deserves its own category

Desserts – despite my raging sweet tooth, I usually do okay in this area, as ice cream is my main weakness and that’s never around these outdoor events, because it wouldn’t survive the heat. Unless someone brings an ice cream churn like they did one other time but let’s not dwell on that. It’ll be mostly sticky gooey cakes and pies and I don’t have a problem skipping those for the most part, though in full disclosure I’ll say I’m happy Princess Time just ended or that could’ve posed a potential terror threat as well.

Beverages – this is a Southern Baptist, tee-totalling family and I’m lucky in that I don’t drink very much either so don’t need to worry that into the calorie equation. But. Sweet tea and soda will rule the day and I have a serious problem with both. For almost a month I’ve drank nothing, NOTHING, but a cup of coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day and I when see that beautiful amber sparkly bubbly liquid poured into a Solo cup over ice (Coke = my crack), I don’t know what I’ll do.

Anyway. I’ve learned by now there are going to be days like this that won’t be ideal. On the other hand, I’m not going to mindlessly chow all day and undo some of the progress I’ve made, nor am I going to beat myself up over indulging in some ridiculous food. My goal is to be mindful and moderate and just enjoy a nice Summer day with the husband and family.

That, and maybe run the sixty miles home afterwards.

Drastic Measures

September 25, 2009

Okay, after watching last week’s episode of Biggest Loser, I’ve been really giving some thought to my diet. In general, I don’t eat poorly. I feel like I eat healthily but I do have a tendency toward the standing snack. This is a snack that is consumed while standing at the pantry in small amounts….like 1 Oreo when I am putting the package away from the grocery store. Or a few Doritos when I am folding the bag closed after packing my daughter’s lunch. Individually these things aren’t diet killers, but collectively. Oh Boy.

I have really upped my exercise amount  in the last 6 months and still am not seeing the results I’d like to. So, I’m focusing on the diet now. And I don’t mean “watching my diet” because I clearly have been doing a lot of watching and not actively adjusting it. So, this is my plan.

For the next 2 weeks, I will institute the good old Slim Fast shakes for breakfast and mostly for lunch. (The Cappuccino Delight is actually…delightful!) I will reserve the option to substitute cottage cheese and salsa or tuna fish. For dinner, I will have a measured (eye-balled), balanced meal. I’m not kidding you or me if I say I’m going to stick to chicken breasts and lean meats and low carbs. That is really, really not going to happen. BUT, I can vow to have only 1 piece of pizza rather than 2, and keep the carbs as a small side, rather than star of the plate. I can limit my bread intake at restaurants and I can skip the English Toffee Creamer in my coffee. For 2 weeks. I can do it! I’ll let you know if I get results. As my reward, if I succeed, I will be enjoying guilt-free, buttered popcorn, when we go see “Where The Wild Things Are” which releases here Oct. 16th.

The Big Day

September 13, 2009

Today was the Autumn Rock and Run 5K. First off, no, I didn’t run the WHOLE thing. But I am so glad I did it. I feel exhilerated and proud that I finished strong. I think this was a pretty good starting point, and it’s kinda hard to explain but it was really nice to just be around people who were all there for a good cause and interested, on many different levels, in becoming or being fit. I think this run is always going to hold a special place in my heart for being the first and also because it was so great with the bands playing along the route. The route was through small quiet neighborhoods, and along a golf course, and the bands were just blaring, Skynard, and Aerosmith….it was great. Also I found out that my BMI is 24%, which according to their chart was Above Average. I was just happy, because I really thought the number was going to start with a 3! Anyway, I had a great time, and I totally see this as a jumping off point, and I can’t wait to see where I’m at in the next few months for the next run, The Reindeer Run in December. And yes, they do encourage the wearing of antlers! IMG_5296

One can o’ worms coming right up!

September 3, 2009

Okay, all you runners out there, I need some opinions. Okay, here’s my situation. I will be doing a 5K on September 12th. It was my goal to run the whole thing, but at this point with my cardio, unless something miraculous, like a cold front in Florida, happens between now and then, I don’t think it’s going to happen. But I am looking forward to doing it as I have never done one before and I am excited for the experience. Plus, it’s called the Rock and Run and they have bands playing throughout the route and the more I talk to people, the more friends I am discovering are participating in it.

So, here’s my quandry. My running pal in the hood recommends I run at a very slow pace to run longer. I have tried this and even at a very slow pace I know I won’t make the whole 3 miles.

Secondly, my husband ran with me today, and he recommends I run normally and if I need to walk at some point do so, and then run again. A run-walk approach. He believes this will strengthen my cardio quicker and in the long run (no pun intended) I will be able to run farther. He looked at my form today and said I looked like I was shuffling along like an old man….my dad in particular!

So, I’d like some opinions on what to do, what is the best way to run. I believe I enjoy it more when I run normally and just go for as long as I can, and then a little bit more, and then walk. It seems funner. So I guess I have to ask myself what my real intention is.

On top of this, there is an article in Fitness this month on how run/walking actually burns more calories than just regular running.

Okay, I welcome your valuable opinions now. Oh, and by the way, I’m doing an experiment tomorrow and am going to run/walk the 5K to check my time.

Weight Issues on Vacation

August 17, 2009

I was able to go for three runs on my seven day vacation.   All of them between 6-8 miles each and the same routes that I ran when I was in high school.  

Due to some “bathroom issues” that have plagued me since childhood, (information from my mother and sister regarding similar public bathroom issues for decades) I limited my food intake but a couple few evenings with former classmates increased my alcohol intake…tenfold.

After a week of being away from home, I still came back three pounds lighter than when I left…

…and that was after reintroducing myself my my “own” bathroom.